



DTXr: DTX version 3.1.9 is released!

Added by Torbjorn Carlqvist Admin over 1 year ago

See changelog for more info
To upgrade see instruction

Main reson for this version was to handle the change of host IP (again).
It is a challenge for the BACnet UDP socket and the corresponding broadcast listener thread to adapt to IP/interface changes and still receive broadcast messages.
With this update an attempt to do as little change to the running BACnet stack as possible has bean made. Only the sockets in the network layer is re-initialized, not the entire stack.

With hope for success..

DTXr: DTX version 3.1.7 is released!

Added by Torbjorn Carlqvist Admin over 1 year ago

See changelog for more info
To upgrade see instruction

Main reson for this version was the issue on LION units at system IP change.
But also included are some new nice function to control reliability and override flags when JS is the glue between BACnet stack and physical. Eg. the case with Ruuvi sensors.



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