



DTXr documentation


  • System Requirements
    DTXr can run on any machine that can run Java 11 and has sufficient with RAM and disk capacity.
Requirement System RAM System DISK Example
Minimal 512Mbyte 512Mbyte Raspberry 1, Raspberry Zero
Better 512Mbyte 512Mbyte Rasberry Zero 2
Avarage 1GByte 1Gbyte Raspberry 2-4
Top 2GByte 8Gbyte Raspberry 4, Raspberry CM4, Server, PC
  • Network Requirements
    DTXr can run stand alone without any active network connection. In that case the management pages is accessible via localhost interface. But for DTXr to be a fully functional BACnet/IP device it must be connected to an IP network that offers IP address via DHCP and where broadcast traffic is allowed.
  • Download DTXr software packages
    Currently only customers to DAVITOR can download DTXr. Contact for purchase information.
  • Install on Linux
    • There is special install scripts, please follow these steps:
      1. Download latest DTXr base image and copy to a SD-card that has 16Gbyte capacity or more

Or install a new image and install java

sudo apt install default-jdk 

  1. Insert the SD card, attach keyboard and screen via cable and start the device
  2. When you get prompt login as admin/davitor
  3. Download the installation script from davitor repository (note has an update since Jan 17th, 2024 see new parameter installfolder below)
    wget --user=**** --password=****

    There is also a utillity script that can set the host name and MAC adress. Note, optional and only applicable on LION product appliances.
    wget --user=**** --password=****

    Make the scripts exec
    sudo chmod 770 *.sh
  4. Run installation as below where you first alter:
    • Required version (-v x.y.z)
    • The the install folder (-f myfolder) Note: Still relative to /usr/local so (-f myfolder) results in /usr/local/myfolder/dtx...
    • Partner user name (-u **)
    • Partner password (-p **)
    • Application password for the HTTP interface login on port 9090 (-app-password xxxxxxx)
    • BACnet Decvice Id (bac-device-id=nnnnn)
    • BACnet password which you will use to control the BACnet device DCC (bacnet-password=xxxxxx)
    • BACnet Device Name (bac-device-name=yyyy)
    • DAVITOR Reference Key (drk=xxxx) is used to mange and maintain this device from the DAVITOR PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) service. (drk=xxxx) The sequence of drk:s is in PLM instance database.
    • Hardware Platform Type (platform=xx) is used to control and switch on/off special features that is hardware dependent.
      For LION products use:
      sudo ./ -v 3.1.23 -f myfolder -u **** -p **** -s "bac-device-id=nnnnn bac-device-name=yyyy app-password=xxxxxx bac-password=xxxxxx lion-enabled=true drk=xxxx platform=XX"

      For other installations like PC, Servers etc. use:
      sudo ./ -v 3.1.23 -f myfolder -u **** -p **** -s "bac-device-id=nnnnn bac-device-name=yyyy app-password=xxxxxx bac-password=xxxxxx drk=xxxx platform=XX"
      1. Utillity script to set MAC and host name
        sudo ./ -mac 70:B3:D5:16:E8:99 -hn DTX-L1-8R8DI
  • Upgrade on linux
    If you already have DTX installed and should upgrade to a new version (Don't forget to set correct installfolder with -f)
    sudo ./ -v 3.1.23 -f myfolder -u **** -p ****
  • Manage the DTX service (Note, since 17th Jan, 2024 of the names of the services are appended with the instsall folder in order to install multiple instances of DTX in same machine.)
    sudo systemctl stop dtx_{myfolder}

    sudo systemctl start dtx_{myfolder}

    Check status
    systemctl status dtx_{myfolder}

    Disable service, wont start at reboot
    sudo systemctl disable dtx_{myfolder}

    Enable service, will start automatically at reboot
    sudo systemctl enable dtx_{myfolder}
  • For other Linux distributions follow this steps
    1. TBD...
  • Install on Windows
    • Follow these steps:
      1. TBD...

LION Fieldbus

  • See LION Wiki for howto in installataion, channel assigmnets and testing.


DTXr is setup via Menu -> Setup page.

  • System
    • Administrator password - Password for the default (and not changeable) account "admin". Default is "davitor".
      When you log in you will start att /home/admin
      There is another user "pi" as well with a secret password.
    • Operator username - Username for the typical user of any HMI developed on this device. Typically a machine operator. [Optional]
    • Operator password - Password for the operator user. [Optional]
    • Operator start page - Set any web page in the project folder that will automatically shown on an operator login. [Optional]
    • Log Level - The system severity level for the system_app.log in /Logs tree directory.
    • Platform - This is where DTX gets its information on which hardware options to consider.
  • BACnet
    • TBD...
  • Davitor Advantage
    • TBD...
  • Wireless Mesh
    • TBD...
  • Bluetooth
    • TBD...
  • External Database Access
    • TBD...
  • File Integration
    • TBD...
  • HTTP
    • TBD...
  • LION Interface
    • TBD...
  • IoT HUB (BETA)
    • TBD...

User's Guide

  • TBD...

Developer's Guide

IDE walk through
The DTXr Javascript guide
Blockly tutorials

Updated by David Fredriksson 4 months ago · 71 revisions