



Changelog 3.1.16

New features:

  • Added property "tags" to lightning output (LO)-object to support some special features for DALI/LoRa networking.
    By default DTX will fill the tag property with empty parameters for the LoRa network node address (LoRaAddr) , DALI group (DALIGr) and DALI feedback (DALIGrCtrlAdr) (unique ballast to query) short address.
    Then when provisioning the DALI network the integrator can via objects view specifically set the values according the the DALI addressing plan.

  • A new JS-method added for decoding base64-coded text on the server side because it is hard to do in javascript and poorly supported in GraalJS engine.
var base64_decoded = Controller.base64ToHex("AAAAAAAAA8MIDwAAAYmR0cpgAgm7S");
  • Returning a binary data in HTTP_POST responses (octet-stream).
    In some cases when a client sending binary data to DTX it requires a responses also in octet-stream. For this a new little feature is introduced where you add "HEX:" before the string of HEX characters.
    function HTTP_POST(resource,payload){
        //print("HTTP POST - Resource:" + resource + " Payload:" + payload);
        return "HEX:01FE"; //"01FE" tells the client to send more data. "HEX:" will be removed from the string, it is only a flag telling DTX to respond as binary octect-stream.
Bug fixes:
  • tags was not properly stored/retreived from override.json when changed. That causes the value to disapere when power cycle the node.
  • New BACnet4J version 6.0.8

Updated by Torbjorn Carlqvist Admin about 1 year ago · 3 revisions