





No issues for this version

Changelog 3.1.0

3.1.0 (2022-09-19)

  • Enhancements
    - The pi4j library was removed to favor JNA, Java Native Access. This is the link between DTX and OS resources like i2c and gpio. Pi4j version 1.2 (including deps to WiringPi) that was used was deprecated many years ago and the JNA was the natural replacement. To make use of JNA DTX uses some help classes via helins (thanks To Adam Helinski). These libraries utilize JNA 5.7.0 currently. One of the biggest benefits with this change is that DTX can utilize i2c and gpio on any Linux platform, not just Raspberry Pi. That will in turn allow for LION fieldbus to be accessible on any linux platform as well.

- An effort has bean made to clear up around the platform concept. In Settings page one can no watch a new selection under "System" for this. This is for a user to adapt the DTX to whatever specific hardware platform it is installed on.

  • Bugs:
    - Fixed the missing device ID for the local device in all device lists, treeview, blockly etc.