


DTXr doc » History » Revision 55

Revision 54 (Torbjorn Carlqvist Admin, 09/01/2022 08:34 AM) → Revision 55/71 (Torbjorn Carlqvist Admin, 09/01/2022 09:03 AM)


 h1. DTXr documentation 

 h3. Installation 

 * System Requirements 
 DTXr can run on any machine that can run +Java 11+ and has sufficient with RAM and disk capacity. 

 |Requirement|System RAM|System DISK|Example| 
 |Minimal|512Mbyte|512Mbyte|Raspberry 1, Raspberry Zero| 
 |Better|512Mbyte|512Mbyte|Rasberry Zero 2| 
 |Avarage|1GByte|1Gbyte|Raspberry 2-4| 
 |Top|2GByte|8Gbyte|Raspberry 4, Raspberry CM4, Server, PC| 

 * Network Requirements 
 DTXr can run stand alone without any active network connection. In that case the management pages is accessible via localhost interface. But for DTXr to be a fully functional BACnet/IP device it must be connected to an IP network that offers IP address via DHCP and where broadcast traffic is allowed. 

 * Download DTXr software packages 
 Currently only customers to DAVITOR can download DTXr. Contact for purchase information. 

 * Install on Linux 
 ** For Raspberry with Raspberry OS/Rasbian there is special install scripts, please follow these steps: 
 ### Download latest DTXr _base_ image and copy to a SD-card that has 16Gbyte capacity or more 
 ### Insert the SD card, attach keyboard and screen via cable and start the device 
 ### When you get prompt login as **admin/davitor** 
 ### Download install scripts with password for davitor sight 
 #### <pre>wget --user=admin --password=****</pre> 
 #### <pre>wget --user=admin --password=****</pre> 
 ### Run installation as <pre>sudo ./ -v 2.25 -u admin -p **** -s "bac-device-id=83336 bac-device-name=DTX-AMADA app-password=xxxxxx lion-enabled=true"</pre> lion-enabled=true" 
 The line above is an example where chosen parameters where set at installation and where xxxxxx is the new password for the new device to use. 

 ### Utillity Set MAC by script to set MAC and host name 
 ### Example: 

 <pre>sudo systemctl stop dtx</pre> 
 <pre>sudo ./ -mac 70:B3:D5:16:E8:99 -hn DTX-L1-8R8DI</pre> 
 <pre>Setting MAC to 70:B3:D5:16:E8:99 
 Enabling and starting MAC service 
 New MAC will be effective on next reboot 
 Setting new hostname to DTX-L1-8R8DI 
 <pre>sudo systemctl start dtx</pre> 

 * Manage This will excecute nesesary commands for the MAC, change the name of the node as well as change the files  

 *System files 
 The file contains most of the important settings that is used by the DTX service environment and most of it can be changed from the settingspage. 
 Stop<pre>sudo If the file is changed manually, than please stop dtx envronment by: 
 use of **systemctl ** 

 sudo systemctl --help 

 systemctl [OPTIONS...] {COMMAND} ... 

 Stop DTX 
 sudo systemctl stop dtx</pre> dtx 
 Start<pre>sudo </pre> 
 Start DTX 
 sudo systemctl start dtx</pre> dtx 
 Check status<pre>systemctl DTX status dtx</pre> 
 systemctl status dtx.service 

 Disable service, wont start at reboot<pre>sudo reboot 
 sudo systemctl disable dtx</pre> dtx 
 Enable service, will start automatically at reboot<pre>sudo reboot 
 sudo systemctl enable dtx</pre> dtx 

 * ** For other Linux distributions follow this steps 
 ### _TBD..._ 

 * Install on Windows 
 ** Follow these steps: 
 ### _TBD..._ 

 h3. LION Fieldbus 

 * See LION [[LION:Wiki]] for howto in installataion, channel assigmnets and testing. 

 h3. Setup 

 DTXr is setup via Menu -> Setup page. 

 * System 
 ** Administrator password - Password for the default (and not changeable) account    **"admin"**. Default is **"davitor"**. 
 _When you log in you will start att /home/admin 
 There is another user "pi" as well with a secret password._ 
 ** Operator username - Username for the typical user of any HMI developed on this device. Typically a machine operator. [Optional] 
 ** Operator password - Password for the operator user. [Optional] 
 ** Operator start page - Set any web page in the project folder that will automatically shown on an operator login. [Optional] 
 ** Log Level - The system severity level for the system_app.log in /Logs tree directory. 

 * BACnet 
 ** _TBD..._ 

 * Davitor Advantage 
 ** _TBD..._ 

 * Wireless Mesh 
 ** _TBD..._ 

 * Bluetooth 
 ** _TBD..._ 

 * External Database Access 
 ** _TBD..._ 

 * File Integration 
 ** _TBD..._ 

 * HTTP 
 ** _TBD..._ 

 * LION Interface 
 ** _TBD..._ 

 * IoT HUB (BETA) 
 ** _TBD..._ 

 h3. User's Guide 

 * _TBD..._ 

 h3. Developer's Guide 

 [[IDE|IDE walk through]] 
 [[Javascript|The DTXr Javascript guide]] 
 [[Blockly|Blockly tutorials]]