


Changelog 3 1 16 » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Torbjorn Carlqvist Admin, 09/14/2023 11:03 AM) → Revision 2/3 (Torbjorn Carlqvist Admin, 09/14/2023 11:12 AM)

h1. Changelog 3.1.16 

 New features: 

 * Added property "tags" to lightning output (LO)-object to support some special features for DALI/LoRa networking. 
 By default DTX will fill the tag property with empty parameters for the *LoRa network node address* (LoRaAddr) , *DALI group* (DALIGr) and *DALI feedback* (DALIGrCtrlAdr) (unique ballast to query) short address. 
 Then when provisioning the DALI network the integrator can via objects view specifically set the values according the the DALI addressing plan. 


 * A new JS-method added for decoding base64-coded text on the server side because it is hard to do in javascript and poorly supported in GraalJS engine. 

 <pre><code class="javascript"> 
 var base64_decoded = Controller.base64ToHex("AAAAAAAAA8MIDwAAAYmR0cpgAgm7S"); 

 * Returning a binary data in HTTP_POST responses (octet-stream). 
 In some cases when a client sending binary data to DTX it requires a responses also in octet-stream. For this a new little feature is introduced where you add "HEX:" before the string of HEX characters. 
 <pre><code class="javascript"> 
 function HTTP_POST(resource,payload){ 
     //print("HTTP POST - Resource:" + resource + " Payload:" + payload); 
     return "HEX:01FE"; //"01FE" tells the device to send more data. "HEX:" will be removed from the string, it is only a flag telling DTX to respond as binary octect-stream. 


 Bug fixes: 
 * tags was not properly stored/retreived from override.json when changed. That causes the value to disapere when power cycle the node. 

 * New BACnet4J version 6.0.8