


Wiki » History » Revision 9

Revision 8 (Torbjorn Carlqvist Admin, 09/01/2021 04:14 PM) → Revision 9/27 (Torbjorn Carlqvist Admin, 09/05/2021 07:56 PM)

h1. DTXr Documentaion 

 DTXr is an automation controller software with built in development environment. DTXr is pre-installed on all DAVITOR DTX series products. --- 

 h2. Features 

 Some of [[IDE|Manage the main features of DTXr are: 

 Read more about [[DTXr features.]] 

 * [[BACnet/IP Stack]] 
 * [[IDE|Built in integrated development environment]] 

 h2. Documentation 

 You can read the 
 [[Javascript|The guide to DTXr guide. 

 * User's Guide coding]] 
 * [[Javascript|Developer's Guide]] 

 Other resources: 

 * TBD.. 


 h2. Online Demo and Traning 

 A shared [[|online environment]] can be used [[Blockly|How to get a feeling of what DTXr can do. 

 create automation as Blockly puzzel]]