


Wiki » History » Revision 10

Revision 9 (Torbjorn Carlqvist Admin, 09/05/2021 07:56 PM) → Revision 10/27 (Torbjorn Carlqvist Admin, 09/05/2021 08:06 PM)

h1. DTXr 

 DTXr is an automation controller software with built in development environment. DTXr is pre-installed on all DAVITOR DTX series products.  
 The runtime software enables you to via Javascript or "Blockly": easily connect automation objects such as digital inputs and relay outputs to each other as well as to other well known interfaces like HTTP, Web Socket and Databases. 

 h2. Features 

 Some of the main features of DTXr are: 

 Read more about [[DTXr features.]] 

 * [[BACnet/IP Stack]] 
 * [[IDE|Built in development environment]] 

 Read more about [[DTXr features.]] 

 h2. Documentation 

 You can read the DTXr guide. 

 * User's Guide 
 * [[Javascript|Developer's Guide]] 

 Other resources: 

 * TBD.. 


 h2. Online Demo and Traning 

 A shared "online environment": [[|online environment]] can be used to get a feeling of what DTXr can do.