Changelog 3.1.1¶
3.1.1 (2022-09-26)
- Bug fixes:
- Avoiding thread deadlock by disabling the exceptionCatch call to Javascript layer. This feature will be re-invented in subsequent version!
- Modified some list and maps to be thread safe.
- Some internal wrapper javascript variables was put in global space which could case collision with user code.
- New features:
- two new javascript functions in the JsProxy
writeSerialAscii and writeSerialHex that take a third argument for delaying the execution of the serial command to the port. This can be used to make a timed burst of commands with a small delay in milliseconds in between.
- Added a new platform type A1. This is when DTX is using aluminum case, ENC28J60-network but without LION fieldbus.
- Added a new platform type L4. This is when using BananaPi Zero with internal Ethernet PHY, aluminum casing and LION fieldbus. BananaPi Zero requires Armbian OS which in turn require a different set of GPIO/i2c mapping to get LION and Network to function. See installation instructions for details of L4 platform usage.
Updated by Torbjorn Carlqvist Admin over 2 years ago · 2 revisions